Sunday, October 10, 2010

back t0 h0stel.. :'(

m0shi m0shi ::-
s0b2...arini kene blek h0stel!0uh n0..
D0 u wanna kn0w dat my sis 'll g0in' t0 kl t0day.bc0s 2m0rr0w she'll start w0rking at pr0eight..i dunn0 wat is that.maybe her w0rkplace..
Huhu..nnty ak akn jd kaki kikis duet dye.sis, ape slhnye bg wawa cket..msti berkat duet uh.. ;D
after diz i'll ir0ning my cl0thes..
Dats all 4 2day.i have many resp0nsibility..hehe..just kidding..

Saturday, October 9, 2010

my first tyme....

lastly dpt gak ak wat mende nih....
just to fill up my leisure tyme...
act..t'pk nk wat cos waktu uh sgt bnyk mslh...
sedey n tak twu nk luahkn kat sape...
so, dis is the result...
ak nih tak r genius bab2 ict ni...
tp bleh r cket.....
skrg nih ngah tggu choc cair..
huh choc tu keras mcm batu!!!!
akk ak nak wat choc...
so to my classmates tomorrow i'll give ut to u all....
nk tules pe lg ek...
tetibe je dak kerin chat ngan ak..
nnty le ak lyn..nk abeskn tulis dulu....
to reader hope u enjoy it...